You may hear various Protestant groups claiming to be saved, or asking “are you saved?” They claim things like “once saved, always saved” or “salvation by faith alone” or “salvation by works alone.” They talk about things like “what you need to do to be saved.”
As Orthodox, we don’t entertain this type of talk. We are not preoccupied with if we are saved or not, and especially if other people are saved or not - mostly for two reasons:
1. We have the full knowledge that every person is saved once and for all by Christ’s death and resurrection, meaning that we will all be brought back from the dead to live eternally. Christ saved us from death for eternal life. That is a fundamental reality.
2. When we are fully in the presence of the divine, of the Holy Trinity, we do not know how we will react. We do not know if this will be eternal heaven or eternal torment for us. Only God knows our hearts. Therefore we say “Lord have mercy” continue our struggle of repentance, and Theosis (to constantly strive to become more like God). We only ever concern ourselves with our own relationship with Christ. If it is a good relationship, God will know us.