
What is the Orthodox Christian view of reality?

If God is love, why do we suffer?

Is God in control of everything?

Does God punish people?

Are heaven and hell places?

Do I have to go to church?

Did God really make the world in 7 Days?

Does evolution disprove Christianity?

Does science disprove religion?

What happens after we die?

Are all other religions wrong?

Is there an afterlife?

What is the Orthodox Christian view of marriage?

Why do we say ‘Lord have mercy’?

Is the Bible the supreme authority?

Why did God command killing in the Old Testament?

When is the end of the world?

Does prayer even work?

What are the passions?

Why do we pray to the saints?

Why do we still sin?

Why doesn’t God just show himself?

What's with all the sacrifices in the OT?

What's with all the symbology?

What is the Last Judgement?

Do angels and demons really exist?

Why do the priests cense things?

What’s with all the icons?

What is the point of Holy Communion?

What is the Trinity?

Is Communion really the body and blood of Christ?

What do the various colours represent?

Why are services so long?

Why is the Divine Liturgy like a sacrifice at an alter?

What is Baptism?

Why did God have to send Jesus to die?

What are the Mysteries?

Why do we baptise infants?

What does baptism actually do?

What is the Church?

Why do we pray for the dead?

Isn’t Christianity just a story to make us get along?

What does it mean to be ‘saved’?